What is Breast Reduction Surgery?
This procedure, which is called reduction mammoplasty in the medical literature, can also be applied to men with gynecomastia (breast enlargement) problem. This procedure, which is called reduction mammoplasty in the medical literature, can be applied to men with gynecomastia (breast enlargement) problem. However, breast reduction is more preferred by women because of the large breasts that are generally too large and cause many difficulties and serious health problems for women. If we need to be listed the most important of these health problems:
- Neck, back and shoulder pains,
- Discomfort caused by rash and odor due to the contact of the breasts on the abdomen,
- Restriction of physical activities and not wearing desired clothes,
- Pitted deformity caused by the bra strap on the shoulder
It is known that the reason for the growth of breast tissue is mostly genetic. However, factors such as weight gain and births can lead to an increase in the size and sagging of the breasts. Also, the breasts may not be the same size. As a result of this, different surgical methods may need to be applied to both breasts in order to achieve symmetry during surgery.
How is Breast Reduction Surgery Performed?
Breast reduction surgery is performed under general anesthesia by using either inverted T incision or lollipop incision techniques. It takes approximately 2.5-3 hours depending on breast size.
Inverted T incision is the process of removing the sagging skin and breast tissue by making an inverted T-shaped incision under the breast.
Lollipop incision is the process of removing the sagging skin and breast tissue by making a lollipop-shaped incision around the nipple.
How is the Technique to be Applied in Breast Reduction Surgery Determined?
- The size of the breast
- The length of the distance between nipple and nipple fold
- Breast tissue
- Feature of breast skin
- Shoulder/hip width
- The distance between nipple – shoulder / hip are factors in determining the technique to be applied.
Before and After The Breast Reduction Surgery
Before the operation, you should decide with your doctor what method will be applied, the new size of the breasts, the location of the scars and the measures to be taken against the risks that may be encountered. Just like on any surgery, the general health status of the person who will have breast lift surgery is investigated. It is beneficial for smokers to quit smoking for a certain period of time before surgery. On the day of the surgery, your doctor plans by drawing marks on your breasts.
Your pain is eliminated or alleviated with appropriate medications after the breast surgery. You stay in the hospital for 1 night after breast reduction surgery. The drain is used along 3 days. After 3 days, the drain is removed. The drain is used to remove the contaminated blood accumulated in the operation area from the body. After your third day control, first week and second week controls are completed. In the second week, the stitches are removed and the scar removal treatment begins. There will be swelling in your breasts for a certain period, but it will decrease day by day. It is enough to rest for 1 week after the breast reduction surgery.
When you go home after breast aesthetic surgery, you need to rest for at least 3 days. You will need to use antibiotics and painkillers after breast reduction surgery. Please use your medication regularly. Do not neglect your dressings after surgery. Since the healing process continues, do not force your arm for at least 1 month after the surgery, do not carry weight, avoid pushing and pulling movements. You should use the sporter bra recommended by your doctor for 1 month. This bra will both reduce your pain and help shaping your breast.
Does breast reduction surgery cause cancer?
Breast reduction surgery does not cause cancer development. However, the possibility of an undiagnosed cancer should be eliminated by some pre-operative examinations (mammography, ultrasound) in patients with breast cancer in their family and patients over 40 years old. In addition, the breast tissue removed by surgery should be sent for pathological examination and it should be checked whether there is an overlooked condition before the operation. Since most of the breast tissue is removed with breast reduction surgery, the possibility of later cancer formation is also reduced.
What Should I Do to Get The Result I Want From The Surgery?
- Decide on this surgery as early as possible.
- Start with the doctor you feel safe.
- Follow exactly what is told to you in the postoperative period.
- If you smoke, reduce it as much as possible.
- You should pay attention to your diet and body cleaning after surgery.
What Are The Side Effects That May Occur After The Surgery?
Blood Accumulation (hematoma): It is detected early. It can be prevented with a short intervention.
Size Difference: It is the continuation of the two breasts to maintain their difference before the operation.
Breastfeeding Loss: Depending on the breast size and the method used, breastfeeding loss may occur.
How Much Does Breast Reduction Cost?
With the reason of Ministry of Health and Competition Board, we cannot provide information about breast reduction prices here, but you can learn the average breast reduction price via Whatsapp, phone and e-mail by contacting us.
Situations such as the size of the breast, the methods to be applied, the type of anesthesia and hospital policies affect the operation prices. For detailed and precise information, it will be more accurate to contact the hospital that will perform this operation.