Face Lift Surgery
Facial texture is very special. Most of the time, it is not possible to talk about a total face sagging or wrinkle before reaching the age of fifties. Sagging and wrinkles occur following the mimic lines. It is very easy to treat them with non-surgical methods or mild surgical methods. However, all these methods are applied by taking into account a certain amount of wear. In other words, since the persistence of non-surgical methods is up to one year, the operation is repeated every year. And each repetition brings with it a little less of the effect. In cases where the effect and the financial burden are out of proportion, face lift surgery (FaceLift – classical face lift surgery) is applied.
Face lift surgery (FaceLift) can be applied by various methods. The patient’s age, skin condition, sagging level, gender, genetic characteristics, areas of sagging, and other problems that accompany to sagging are very important in choosing the method.
How Do Decision Phases Work Before Face Lift Surgery?
If there is no sagging due to a serious genetic problem in patients who apply for facelift operations, the patients are usually in their early fifties. In other words, the rate of patients under this age to resort to face lift operations is low. Examinations are made after the patient consults her doctor with the relevant complaints (in order to understand the patient’s face type, physical features, competence for surgery). After these tests, which reveal the current condition of the patient, the most appropriate method that can solve the patient’s problems is selected.
An oral interview is needed to realize this selection process and to understand the needs of the patient.
During the period until the surgery, many applications are included, including showing the patient how her face will look like via simulation. There are some points that need to be considered in order to make the operation successful and increase its permanence. The period before the operation is very important for a comfortable and short recovery period after the operation. There may be patients who do not have an efficient period before the operation and do not listen to the doctor’s recommendations. It has been observed that these patients recover much longer after the operation, and the results of the operation are less permanent.
What Are The Matters To Be Considered By The Patient Before The Operation?
Smoking has a serious effect on tissues. Stopping smoking is important in determining recovery times, eliminating tissue damage and in the success of the operation. One month before the operation, smoking should be stopped completely and if possible, it should not be restarted after the operation.
- In addition to smoking, alcohol use should be stopped completely before the operation. After the operation, it is recommended not to use alcohol for up to two months. At the end of two months, a daily glass of consumption is allowed.
- The use of make-up should be completely discontinued one week in advance so that the contamination during the operation is zero and the preparation period before the operation can take a short time. Chemical cosmetic products should not be used, especially in the areas where the incision will be made.
- Although the incisions are located in invisible parts after the operation, dressings are visible. It will be beneficial to hide these dressings with hair during the adaptation process to social life. For this reason, it is not recommended to cut the hair before the operation. In other words, long hair and dressings can be hidden.
- It is not recommended to dye the hair for one to two months after the operation. This is necessary for the hygiene of the stitches and the area. If you are not satisfied with your hair color, you should dye it before the operation.
- The operation is performed by opening surgical incisions. So there may be bleeding in the area. It is recommended not to consume blood thinners and foods before the operation, and to limit the consumption of vitamin E.
What are the Recommendations and Processes for the Day of Surgery?
The patient must be hospitalized after the operation. For this reason, it is recommended to bring an attendant with her, although she can do her own job. If there is no problem in the patient’s condition, she is discharged the next day. But in case of risk and complications, the patient should be hospitalized in the operating room until the problem is resolved. The patient who will undergo a facelift surgery should completely stop eating from the night before the surgery.
After hospitalization in the morning, the last checks are made and the patient is taken into operation. After the completion of the operation, if there is no problem, the patient is taken to the resting room by dressing the stitches of the patient. Drains are used to prevent fluid accumulation in the suture areas of the patient. In addition, the dressings applied do not prevent vision. They are applied in a way that looks as gentle and beautiful as possible. The three-day period after the operation is critical.
What Are the Risks and Side Effects That May Occur?
Today, many face lift surgery is applied in Turkey. Complications occur at a small rate such as only five per thousand of these. The process after face lift surgeries proceeds very clearly. There are expected effects on the patient. These include bruising, edema, swelling and redness. In addition to these, low-level complications such as bleeding may occur if the issues that need attention are not taken into account. The most dangerous complication is damage to nerve tissues.
Opening and Bleeding in Stitches
The only factor that can cause the risk of bleeding during and after the operation is high blood pressure. In order to prevent this risk, blood pressure measurements are made continuously before, during and after the operation. In addition, all kinds of factors that may increase the patient’s blood pressure are also eliminated. It is ensured that the study is bloodless during the application. In addition, a drain as well is placed in order to expel the bleeding that may occur under the skin in case of mild high blood pressure.
Having A Scar
Since facelift operations are performed for aesthetic purposes, the stitches placed after the operation should not leave any traces. For this reason, the stitches used in face lift surgeries are very special. Currently the number of stitches is kept at a minimum level, so the probability of scarring is low, but still not zero.
After face lift surgeries, there are no problems with facial bleeding. In bloody areas the risk of infection is low, but not zero. After the operation, attention should be paid to hygiene. If antibiotic treatment is disrupted and there is a hygiene problem, infection may occur in the incision areas.
Hair Loss
In facelift surgery, a suitable path should be opened in the scalp and an incision should be made from here in order to pull the facial skin up and back. Hair loss may be encountered in the area where the incision was made. Since this is not a predictable complication, the level of expertise of the executive doctor is very important.
Nervous Damage and Numbness
The most dangerous complication in facelift surgeries is nerve damage. During the operation, the areas where various nerve tissues pass through are intervened. Under normal conditions, these tissues, which need to be revived after the anesthetic effect has passed, may be dysfunctional due to various reasons. These states are likely to be permanent as well as temporary. Performing facelift surgery by a specialist doctor reduces the risks.
Things to Consider After The Surgery
Taking A Shower
After the operation, a large incision is made, starting in front of the ear and occasionally curving behind the ear and scalp. Afterwards, this incision area is closed with aesthetic stitches. Since the stitches usually remain in the area until the tenth day, extreme care should be taken when taking a shower. It will be beneficial to avoid contact of the head area with water for the first 4 days. From the fourth day, it is possible to contact the area with water, with the permission of the doctor. It is necessary to avoid using very hot or very cold water while taking a shower. Warm water and non-chemical cleaners should be used.
Hygiene and Care
One of the risks that may occur after face lift surgeries is infection. In the event of an infection, the recovery period becomes very prolonged. In order to prevent the development of infection, maximum attention should be paid to hygiene rules and the care of the area should be done regularly.
After the operation, the use of public environments should be completely discontinued for about 2 weeks. You should avoid places such as pools, sea, saunas.
Sport and Exercise
Exercises that require intense effort should be avoided for a month after the operation. After the stitches are removed, you can return to light exercises. Walking and jogging exercises are generally recommended.
Use of Alcohol and Cigarette
Smoking is prohibited after the operation as well as before the operation. If possible, smoking should be stopped completely. If not, smoking should not be consumed for at least six months. Alcohol can be consumed from the end of the first month without exaggerating.
How Much Does Face Lift Surgery Cost?
Dozens of different factors affect the price of facelift surgery. The fact that it is an operation performed for aesthetic purposes, the method used, the materials, the surgeon performing the operation and the conditions of the hospital where the operation is performed are the main factors affecting the price. You should be examined for an exact and personal price.
For Information About Average Face Lift Prices, Please contact Us Via Whatsapp, phone or e-mail.