Can HIV Patients have a Hair Transplant? What are the drawbacks? What Should Be Considered?
Hair loss is a very annoying and sad situation for every person, whether men or women. It affects people extremely negatively and puts pressure on them, disturbed by others looking at it all the time. It can be a great cause of unhappiness, especially at a young age. The feeling of self-confidence and psychological pressure created by sparse hair on humans is no longer a problem thanks to hair transplant operations. Thus, people who have hair loss problems get rid of these sparse areas by replanting their own hair in sparse areas. Of course, although it varies with the type and thickness of the roots to be taken from your own hair, it is guaranteed that you will have more bushy hair. However, not everyone is transplanted. It is necessary to determine whether you are suitable for this.
The main methods used in hair transplantation
- DHI (direct hair implantation)
- Fue Hair Transplant
- Sapphire Hair Transplant
- Follicular Unit Hair Transplantation
Can HIV Patients Undergo a Hair Transplant?
Before starting the hair transplantation process, certain examinations are made and it is investigated whether you have any diseases. If you have an HIV virus or AIDS, it’s normal to have hair loss problems. Carrying an HIV virus and being an AIDS patient are different things. HIV patients with sparse hair may also want to benefit from a hair transplant. But can HIV patients transplant hair?
Here it is necessary to divide the patients into two groups. If you are on medication, you can discuss your condition with the doctor who will perform hair transplantation and decide accordingly.
If you learned about your disease at the hair transplant clinic in turkey during blood tests, this may be a shock to you. However, in this case, the consultation with the doctor determines your hair transplantation.
During HIV disease, the immune system is getting weaker. The body cannot resist infectious pathogens. However, you should also know that carrying an HIV virus does not indicate that you are AIDS or that you will infect other people. Today, with the help of drugs, the spread of the virus can be successfully prevented. However, performing a hair transplant operation for HIV patients is not a safe operation either. The virus can be transmitted to the doctor or medical team via blood. In order to prevent transmission to other patients, the medical instruments used in the operation must be sterilized perfectly.
The first condition is that the clinic where the operation will be performed has very high hygienic standards. However, they should be extremely careful. Since the patient who has the HIV virus has a weak immune system, there is a risk of infection and this risk is very high. The wounds that will be opened during the operation may become inflamed and fungi may occur. Therefore, chronic skin inflammations may also remain. In addition to being negative in terms of health, wounds create a bad look. Your hair loss problem may be affecting your psychology enough to take these risks.
For these reasons, some clinics refuse to transplant HIV patients due to both the healthcare staff and the negative effects that will occur on the patient. However, doctors who are sufficiently knowledgeable about the disease and believe that they will protect themselves can take this risk and carry out the operation, paying particular attention to security measures. The doctor usually does this alone, and the price is, of course, more expensive. Another issue to note is that the instruments used in the operation are discarded later and not used in different patients. Clinics that are using the latest trends in technology; Fue, Sapphire Fue, FUT and DHI methods are applied with high-security measures. The method suitable for each patient is determined by doctors after detailed examinations. A professional team successfully carries out operations that are considered risky due to self-confidence.
Is it necessary to take a break from drugs before hair transplantation?
In order for new hair to grow, sparse areas are filled with hair follicles from the donor area behind the head. Hair is removed with rotating microneedles and pressure is applied to the recipient area and the follicle inserted with a Choi pen. For the hair to grow well, it must be fed with oxygen and nutrients. Drugs that affect blood pressure also affect blood circulation. Insulin injections also affect blood vessels by regulating blood sugar levels. Therefore, after consulting a doctor, the drug should be discontinued two weeks before the procedure.
Minoxidil and finasteride should also be discontinued because these tablets directly affect hair growth. Regaine care foam should no longer be used a week before hair transplantation.
Regarding the use of anti-HIV drugs, the doctor should be consulted before hair transplantation.
When you come to counselling, you will be given detailed information about what to do for hair transplantation in our clinic.
If doctors decide that you can have a hair transplant, pay attention to:
Before the operation:
- Take care of your health before the operation, try to sleep regularly
- Learn about what medications you shouldn’t take
- If you are taking Minoxidil medicines, take a break
After the operation:
- To get rid of the effects of local anaesthesia and operation, rest abundantly, try to get enough sleep. Use travel pillows to sleep comfortably
- Eat healthily
- Try not to exercise for about two weeks
Frequently Asked Questions:
Is HIV testing carried out before hair transplantation?
Blood is drawn before hair transplant and it is checked whether there are any diseases. HIV, Hepatitis, Diabetes are also among them.
If my HIV disease comes out in a blood test, will hair transplantation still begin?
Although there are some centers that implement this process, the team that will perform the operation will be at risk; The treatment of the patient is expected to be completed. But you have the possibility for hair transplantation in our clinic.
Do I have to say that I have HIV?
In a general blood test, your disease becomes clear. However, since this operation is carried out in some clinics by taking necessary security measures, there is no problem.
Can HIV patients be transplanted with Fue or DHI method?
Our doctors determine which method is right for you after checking you and talking to you. The methods used in hair transplantation are determined individually according to the needs of the person. Technology in this field is developing day by day and can be applied even to HIV patients without any problems.
Are HIV patients satisfied with the results of hair transplantation? Do they have any complications?
In the forums about hair transplantation, some HIV patients talk about having hair transplantation done in clinics that agreed to perform the operation. Those who had an operation state that they have no problems and are happy with the development of their hair. Since they got rid of the hair loss and baldness problem, this reflected on their health positively. Of course, if we consider the ethical aspect of the business, you should definitely share it with doctors if you know your disease.
For those who carry the HIV virus, when the RNA test results are negative only then hair transplantation is accepted by some clinics and all the materials used in the operation are discarded after the operation.
How Much Does Hair Transplant for HIV Patients Cost 2025?
Hair transplant for HIV patients in Turkey vary according to methods. But it is more expensive than other patients. Sensitivity of transplantation affects the costs. For more information, You Can contact Us Via phone, Whatsapp or e-mail.