How Long Does Hair Transplant Take? Is hair loss likely to repeat?
Of course, it is natural for people who have lost their hair due to various reasons and think of getting a hair transplant, to have questions.
For instance, how long does the process take, and whether the hair loss repeat after transplant is among these questions?
How long does the hair transplant take?
First of all, the causes of hair loss are analyzed in detail. There are also other factors such as the frontal hairline, hair structure, and condition of the hair follicles. All these factors are important in the process. Finally, an estimated time comes up considering the size of the area to be transplanted and the number of grafts to be extracted (the number of hair follicles).
If the balding area is not too large, the process may finish in only 1 session. On the other hand, if the baldness is advanced and the donor area is not very efficient, the number of sessions may go up to 3.
What are the variabilities of hair transplant sessions?
The number of sessions in the hair transplant process is totally related to the person’s hair type. If the person’s hair is dense, hair strands are strong and thick the number of sessions can be determined as one, but if the person’s hair strands are too thin, weak, and sparse the number of sessions may increase. The expert’s opinion and experience are also of great importance in this subject.
How Many Hours Does a Single Session Correspond to?
One session in the hair transplant takes around 6 to 9 hours. If it is a one-session hair procedure, the transplant process ends within a maximum of 9 hours. But if the number of sessions is more than one the total time will, of course, extend accordingly.
On the other hand, the mentioned periods are more valid for the FUE technique. This is also a quite popular and detailed hair planting method. With the FUE technique, it is possible to transplant around 3000 – 4000 hair follicles in a single session.
Does it fall out?
One of the most curious issues between people who intend to have hair transplantation is whether hair will fall again after a certain period of time. Specialists express very clearly; New hair transplants do not fall out. The only exception here is the temporary and one-time shock loss.