What is Liposuction (Fat Removal Surgery)?
Problems such as regional fat accumulation are among the problems that disturb the person in terms of aesthetics and health. Fat removal surgeries may be preferred for such problems. Liposuction is one of them. Liposuction is one of the medical methods of fat removal. Liposuction is popularly defined as fat removal. With this surgery, fats that are formed in certain parts of the body more than normal and cannot be destroyed in any way are removed from the body by surgical method. Generally, it is a procedure that is applied to people who cannot get rid of their fat in certain areas despite their general health and diet and exercise. It is aimed to correct the disproportionate appearance in the body and to get rid of the abnormal fat accumulation.
Who Can Have Liposuction?
This surgery is an operation that can be performed on anyone who does not have any systemic discomfort, is not pregnant or does not have a pregnancy suspicion. It is not right to do liposuction only for the purpose of losing weight or local weight losing. First of all, these weights should be removed with diet and exercise, and then this method should be used to get rid of the fat that cannot be melted in this way.
What Are the Fat Removal Surgery Methods?
Surgical fat removal methods are divided into two as Laser technique and Vaser (Ultrasonic Sound) technique.
Laser Lipolysis
Laser lipolysis method, which is a slightly different method from classical liposuction methods, is the focus of attention because it is a more practical and simpler method than surgical methods. In the liposuction method, while the fats are vacuumed with the help of channels, in the laser lipolysis method, laser is used instead of these channels and the fat in the area is melted. Later, these melted and liquefied fats are thrown out through small incisions.
Laser Liposuction
Laser liposuction method is different from lipolysis. It is broken down from laser liposuction with waves emitted using laser energy. The old classical method, cannulas, are used to remove these fragmented fats out of the body. Fat broken down through cannulas is vacuumed and thrown out of the body. This process is called laser liposuction.
Vaser (Ultrasonic) Liposuction
This method, whose other name is lipoculpture, ie vaser liposuction, is one of the safest, permanent and fastest fat removal techniques. The difference that distinguishes this method, which helps to remove fat from the body, from other methods is that it can be used in all parts of the body.
This method can be used in all parts of the body, including the face area. Another advantage is that the whole procedure can be completed in one session if the patient is limited in time and needs it. It is possible to burn up to 10 liters of fat at a time with the vaser liposuction method.
What Are Non-Surgical Fat Removal Techniques?
Cold Lipolysis
With this method, locally accumulated fat under the skin is frozen with the help of a device. Frozen fats undergo apoptosis process. The apoptosis process undergoes programmed cell death, that is, the loss of function of fat cells. In this way, fats can be destroyed irreversibly.
Cavitation is a method used to provide regional weakening without any surgical intervention. Sound waves are used to solve problems such as kidney stones. Just as it breaks the kidney stone, it also helps to break down the accumulated fat. It can be applied to areas such as waist, belly, legs and takes approximately 7-8 sessions.
Process and Recommendations Before Liposuction (Fat Removal Surgery)
Before the operation, the psychological state of the patient should be evaluated and a detailed conversation is made with the patient about the results.
The possibility of not obtaining successful results in line with the evaluation is also considered. If the expectations are not met, the operation is not performed.
If you have had another surgery before the operation, you should inform the doctor about this. If you are using drugs to lose weight or use antidepressant drugs, you should stop using these drugs 3 weeks before the liposuction surgery.
Areas to be processed need to be determined. For this, the areas to be fat removed while the patient is standing are specially marked according to their proportions. The anesthesia method to be used in the operation is decided by determining the areas where the procedure will be applied.
Pre-Liposuction Examinations
Anesthesia Control
Anesthesia is applied to ensure that the operation continues safely and there is no pain. The method of anesthesia varies according to the size of the area to be fat removed. With the anesthesia techniques used, the risks that can be seen in the surgery are reduced. Anesthesia is performed by the anesthesiologist and anesthesia control should be done before the application.
Blood Test
Blood analysis is performed upon hospitalization. Before anesthesia, blood analysis is performed and thus anesthesia is evaluated. If there is no problem in the evaluation made by the specialist doctor, the operation continues.
Measurements and Display
Before the operation, measurements and imaging tests are performed. The areas to be degreased are determined and measured. Surgery is performed with the determined imaging.
Urine Test
Possible situations are evaluated by performing urinalysis before the operation. Kidney functions and risk of infection are evaluated with urine test.
How to Perform Liposuction?
With liposuction, which is a fat removal surgery, the fats in the body are extracted by thin cannulas connected to a vacuum device. By entering the body through a small hole, only fat is absorbed without damaging muscles, vessels or nerves. The duration of the surgery may vary according to the fat in the person’s body and the region where the fat is located. Before the procedure, general or local anesthesia is applied to the person depending on the fat rate. After the fat removal process is performed in the specified areas, small incisions are made.
Dressing is done on the stitches. Special corsets or bandages are worn for the patient after or during the procedure.
Process and Recommendations After Liposuction (Fat Removal Surgery)
After the fat removal surgery, mild pain may be seen due to the medications given to the patient. Pain medication given by the doctor should be used for the pain that may be experienced. A different pain reliever may cause the blood to become watery and complications may occur. Pain can be seen a few days after the procedure.
Standing Up
After the local anesthesia operation, the patient stands up immediately. After resting for 2-3 hours, she can walk with the help of a person. In operations performed with general anesthesia, the patient wakes up late.
Movement Capability
The procedure to be performed does not cause a problem in the patient’s mobility. Only the person’s movements are slightly restricted. It is important for the patient to avoid sudden movements in the first days. They can walk and meet their needs with help 2-3 hours after the operation.
Drug Use
Pain relievers prescribed by the doctor should be used regularly. Apart from this, side effects can be seen in drugs used unconsciously. Pain relievers should only be used when there is pain, not continuously. If antibiotics are given against the risk of infection, it must be used regularly in order to be effective.
Dressing and Doctor Control
Pain relievers prescribed by the doctor should be used regularly. Apart from this, side effects can be seen in drugs used unconsciously. Painkillers should only be used when there is pain, not continuously. If antibiotics are given against the risk of infection, it should be used regularly in order to be effective.
Nutrition and Diet
The diet list given before the surgery can be continued. If the doctor has also given a nutrition program, it should be followed.
The effects of the procedure performed after the surgery cannot be seen immediately. One must be patient for this. As the edema, bruises and swelling pass, the result of the surgery begins to appear. Complete recovery takes approximately 6 months. This process can be psychologically damaging. It should not be forgot that the effects of the surgery appear over time.
Surveillance Period
Since the patient will wake up more quickly in procedures performed using local anesthesia, the period of observation is short depending on the patient’s condition. In general anesthesia, the patient is kept under surveillance until she regains consciousness. After the patient is awakened, she is discharged according to her condition.
Possible Risks and Side Effects After the Surgery
As with any surgery, liposuction (fat removal surgery) has some risks, side effects and complications, albeit rare. Most of the side effects and complications that can be seen are short-term. In general, the situation that can be seen is that the desired result cannot be achieved. In such a case, additional treatment may be required.
With liposuction, fat cells are taken, not fat. Fat cells are not completely removed. Fat from distressing areas in the body is removed so that the efficiency of other cells is reduced. Fat production also decreases in the cells whose effectiveness is reduced. And thus no regreasing is observed after the fat removal surgery. However, a certain amount of sagging and fat can be seen as the fat cells remaining in the body continue to work.
It is natural to have bruises in the areas where the operation is performed. Too much bruising is due to the softening of the skin structure of the person, the less use of corset, the tendency to bleed or the drugs used. The formation of bruises may vary from patient to patient.
After the operation, in addition to bruises, edema, so, swelling occurs in the patient. The edema that occurs after liposuction decreases within the first few months and disappears completely within approximately 6-12 months.
There is a very rare risk of infection after fat removal surgery. As long as attention is paid to keeping the wound clean and using antibiotics after the operation, no infection is seen.
Allergical Reaction
Allergic reactions are circumstances that rarely seen. Regional reactions can be seen as a result of the materials used (plaster, suture material and topical preparation). Systemic reactions against some drugs used during the operation are more serious. In such allergic reactions, the patient requires additional treatment.
Things to Consider After The Surgery
Taking A Shower
After the operation, unless the doctor says otherwise, a warm shower can be taken the next day after the procedure. Continuous use of the corset is not an obstacle to bathing. Placing a drain during the operation does not prevent taking a shower. After the shower, it should be carefully dried and the corset should be worn again.
Car Driving
After the surgery, depending on the patient’s condition, the car can be driven. The doctor should be consulted first for this.
Travel By Plane
There is no harm in traveling by plane after the operation. Information can be obtained from the doctor before traveling.
Weight Lifting
After the operation, the patient should not lift heavy weights for a while. Movements that will force herself should be avoided and attention should be paid. Leaks may occur in situations such as heavy lifting.
Movement Capability
Some restrictions can be seen in the patient’s mobility after surgery. What causes this situation is that the treated area is still sensitive and pain is experienced. Sudden movements should be avoided after the operation.
Drug Use
Antibiotics can be given against the risk of infection. It is important to use antibiotics regularly. In addition, painkillers are given for pain that may occur after surgery. It should be used when pain is seen. Other than the painkillers given by the doctor should not be used.
Steam Bath
It is inconvenient to take a steam bath after degreasing surgery. The patient should not take a steam bath for 6 weeks after the operation.
Hot & Cold Applications
After the operation, the patient should not come into contact with very cold or very hot water. Warm should be preferred as the ideal temperature.
Like the steam bath, solarium is also harmful for the patient. One should not go to the solarium along 6 weeks after the operation.
Sunbathing is another issue that should be considered harmful for the patient. Sunbathing, steam bath, sauna and solarium cause swelling of the healing tissues and damage them.
How Much Does Liposuction (Fat Removal) Surgery Cost?
Fat removal surgery costs vary depending on the age of the patient, the area to be taken, the ratio of the fat to be removed, the method of surgery to be preferred, the anesthesia method to be applied and the hospital where the operation will be realized.
We cannot give a price here with the Ministry of Health and Competition Board Reality. However, you can get information about the average liposuction prices by contacting us via Whatsapp, phone or e-mail.